I would like to begin by apologizing for not publishing my posts in the last few days on the same day, sometimes posting them the next day or even every other day. The ongoing situation with military actions in Israel, both in the south and north, has been somewhat distracting and has made it challenging to concentrate. As I've mentioned, I apologize, and everything will be worked on and published shortly.

This morning, I woke up a bit later because there was no rush. I got up at 5:15 a.m. and completed my morning routine. I took my dog for a walk.

Today, I worked out in my home gym, which I headed to right after walking the dog, around 6:45 a.m. I did dynamic warm-up exercises and started my usual morning workout that suited the equipment available in our home gym.

I did 15 squats on a Bosu ball, 10-13 chest presses at a 45° angle, 10-13 lat pulldowns, and 20-25 calf raises on the Swedish wall. I did eight sets of this routine.

Then, I performed leg extensions, chest fly, and leg curls in the machine, and I rowed on the back machine. I did eight sets of these as well.

At the end of the workout, I did 5 sets of overhead presses in the machine and lateral dumbbell raises.

After the workout, I added some leg flexibility exercises.

As for my back situation, it's feeling better. It's only been a week, and I still haven't done squats and deadlifts. The symptoms have disappeared, but my back hasn't fully recovered yet. I think the entire process will take a few more months, so I'm proceeding cautiously and avoiding excessive strain on my back.

For breakfast today, I had my usual brewed coffee and a small amount of cheese.

I was already connected to work during my workout to check incoming messages and see what meetings were scheduled for the day. So, I started working right after that. There are a few important things to take care of today.

And yes, it was a tough day at work, and I needed to prepare food for several days. So, I'm trying to combine cooking somehow, taking care of the kids, and, of course, work. But today was a complete failure; I didn't manage to cook anything.

At 11 a.m., I found 40 minutes to do elliptical exercises at home. Just like yesterday, I did 7-8 minutes of warm-up, with about 80 movements per minute and increasing the resistance every minute. Then, I did 32 Tabata rounds, following the principle of 20 seconds of high-intensity work and 20 seconds of low-intensity work. Finally, I did 8 minutes of cool-down, maintaining a warm-up pace of about 80 movements per minute, decreasing the resistance every minute.

After the workout, I had lunch. I took a keto roll, spread chicken liver pâté on it, made two eggs with bacon and butter, added avocado on top, and also some sauerkraut and a plain cucumber. I seasoned it with salt and pepper. After this lunch, I made myself another cup of coffee. It turned out to be two large mugs, and I also took quite a few nuts and dark chocolate. Today, I'm trying a new chocolate I ordered from iHerb; it's only 55% cocoa. Lunch was again too substantial.

Afterward, I continued working until 4 p.m. At 4 p.m., I found another hour to do an abs and lower back workout at my house gym. This is my usual workout for abs and back with additional exercises. Today, I decided to do only lunges as an additional exercise.

Then, I drove my daughter to artistic gymnastics. They've resumed their training in the hall, and I hope it will be guarded.

After returning, there was already a need to walk the dog. When I got back, I started preparing dinner.

On the one hand, I worked out a lot today, but on the other hand, I ate a lot. So, I decided to have a modest dinner, excluding scrambled eggs, and I served myself less than usual. For dinner, I had various vegetables baked in the oven and a nice portion of sea bass. And I didn't want to cut on my protein or fats too much, but I will abstain from carbohydrates. And, as always, a large salad.

The evening ends with evening vitamins and a large quantity of water.

Before going to bed, I weighed myself and was slightly less than 83 kg, despite eating quite a lot today.

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