As I mentioned yesterday, I felt tired, and today it happened. I finally slept in. I went to bed at 10 p.m., and I set the alarm to 6 a.m. as usual for Saturdays. When it rang this morning, I effortlessly turned it off and slept for another hour. I eventually woke up at 7, something that hasn't happened in a while. I carried out my morning routine and took the dog for a walk without my weighted vest, which resembles a bulletproof vest, to avoid alarming anyone, given the situation in Israel. And at the morning walk, I made 5500 steps.

Today is Saturday, and I've been fasting intermittently every other day the whole week. Today is a fasting day, but it would be unfair to my final weigh-ins and measurements for this week. So I'm not skipping breakfast; I'm having coffee and cheese. Breakfast is typically around 8 a.m., but I start with a slow intake of a few glasses of water before breakfast. Since I usually work out and drink at least half a liter of water during my workout, and then I do my morning walk, I don't drink.

After breakfast, as always, there's apartment cleaning to do. I clean all the mirrors and the kitchen and mop the floors. Normally, I mop the floors with my kids, which doesn't take much time and keeps me active. However, today, I had to drive my assistants to their grandmother's place, where they'll go to the pool. Hence, I had to mop the entire apartment myself, which took a while because of the mud, forcing frequent cloth changes and double washing. Nevertheless, it's a great way to stay active.

Lunch is completely skipped. I have a cup of coffee and drink mineral water, as I do on fasting days.

Afterward, I took care of household chores almost until dinnertime.

Before dinner, I decided to weigh myself and measure my waist for future reference.

For dinner, I made homemade red lentil wraps, which turned out good, except that I oversalted them. I had one wrap with cheese and topped it with a 3-egg omelet seasoned with spices. I also had plenty of trout and various oven-roasted vegetables, along with the usual large salad.

Post-dinner, I typically weigh myself again.

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